What is Holy Communion and why is it important on Easter?
Holy Communion (the Eucharist) is a Christian sacrament that commemorates the Last Supper of Jesus with His followers prior to His death. It is an holy ceremony in which the members of the congregation share bread and wine as a form of Christ’s blood and flesh. Easter is the time for Holy Communion as it brings people to the heart of Jesus’ life, death and resurrection. The season is especially celebrated on Maundy Thursday, the Day of the Last Supper, the first day of the Easter Triduum (the three days prior to Easter). This sacrament is Jesus’ instructions to “do this in memory of me” which Christians celebrate in order to be reminded of His death and hope for his resurrection. Through Holy Communion, Christians reconnect with Christ and repent in faith of His death and resurrection as the source of Christian hope and salvation.